BioSET is a gentle, drug free means of eliminating food intolerances and environmental sensitivities. Although based on the principle of the energetic body as taught in Traditional Chinese Medicine, BioSET utilizes the latest in modern computer technology to screen and to treat clients, thereby offering the community a unique melding of ancient wisdom and modern science in the form of a totally non-invasive healing modality.
As we are taught in basic biochemistry, all substances, living and non-living, emit energy. Atoms attract and repel one another, building molecules and eventually complex structures, all the while creating energy frequencies that interact in positive and negative ways. In TCM, this energy flow is call Qi. BioSET measures the body’s energy flow using either electrodermal screening techniques, or muscle testing. By introducing the energetic signature of a potentially reactive substance into the body’s energy field, the BioSET practitioner can determine whether or not a person is reactive (“allergic”) to the substance in question. If the body’s energy flow remains strong once the substance is introduced, the person is non-reactive.

BioSET and Children
Children have traditionally comprised the bulk of my BioSET practice, and I feel privileged to have the opportunity to work with them. I came to BioSET in my search to heal my own children, and chose to make it my practice because of the success we personally experienced. BioSET works on a range of childhood disorders from autism to ADD to asthma to chronic sinus and ear infections. Its success lies in the fact that BioSET heals the child from the inside out. Children who suffer from these and other issues are highly sensitive individuals with overly reactive immune systems. More often than not, these children suffer from multiple food intolerances and environmental sensitivities. Because they are so reactive, their immune systems become easily overloaded simply fighting off everyday foods which are misperceived as foreign antigens.
The result is that these children often have little immune support left to fend off real threats in the form of bacterial and viral infections. Likewise, because they are so reactive to so many foods, they neither digest nor absorb their nutrients efficiently. Thus, vital organ systems are effectively undernourished including the brain which relies on a variety of proteins, fatty acids and nutrients to produce the appropriate neurotransmitters essential in forging neuropathways. After clearing for food intolerances as well as chemical and environmental sensitivities, most children experience marked improvement in both their physical symptomology, as well as their emotional well-being.
A Short List of Potential Items to Clear:
In addition to being an effective means of reducing symptoms related to food and environmental sensitivities, BioSET is equally effective in helping to both reduce inflammation and facilitate detoxification. In the same way that BioSET reduces allergic reactivity to foods and pollens, clearing for a toxin helps to re-educate the body’s immune response regarding the toxin in question. Thus, when you clear for vaccines or metals or parasites or chemicals, not only to you help the body to “let go” of that specific toxic element more efficiently, but you also reduce the body’s reactivity thereby helping to reduce the negative physical and behavioral side effects often associated with detox reactions.
BioSET: How to prepare for and what to bring to your Bioset appointment
Your initial BioSET appointment will be about 1 hour in length. Please plan accordingly.
Prior to your appointment send:
For your initial appointment:
Bringing Food and Environmental Samples for BioSET Appointments
At each BioSET appointment, we will be testing for and clearing specific foods and/or environmental triggers. To help ensure the best results, please bring the following samples to each appointment:
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